Thank you for joining me here on Little Bit of Laurel. My name is…you guessed it, Laurel. I am a Christian wife and stay at home momma of a sweet nine month old baby girl and am thirteen weeks pregnant with our second (we do not know the gender yet).
My husband Nate and I purchased our first home almost two years ago, just a couple days after I turned 19! You will be seeing lots of posts about how we were able to purchase a home at a young age and how we were able to fix it up debt free! It has certainly been a journey and there is more I would like to do to our home…but we have come a long way!
This is a lifestyle blog so I will be posting about lots of different topics.
The main topics will be: owning a home, home decorating, pregnancy, motherhood, DIY posts and just sharing my daily life with you!